
Monday 20 November 2017

In search of EUROPA - CEANN SLEIBHE The Western Shores

To every place there belongs a story . . . .





This first post of A Cargo of Questions begins with the western geographic boundary of Europe, a Europe that in 1992 stretched as far as the eastern political and national frontier between a re-unified Germany and Poland. 

In 2017 this LODE-Line  crosses the eastern border of the European Union in the frontier land with the Ukraine and Belarus. These borders and frontiers have proved to be very fluid in recent modern history. So, beginning with a geographical boundary, the edge of land and ocean, offers something of a secure and defining point of reference.

This question is visible on the screen in the crate that you can see in the photo on the Blog Banner.

This is as good a place to start as any in the LODE & Re:LODE process of generating questions related to locations along the LODE-Line.

Productivity isn't everything!

Ceann Sleibhe is situated on the LODE-Line in a relationship with the Tayrona National Park in Colombia and a place called Canavarel.

The LODE-Line crosses the Atlantic Ocean and passes over the coastline of Eire by this prominent headland that jutts out into the sea on this western edge of Europe. This is a physical and geographic boundary between land and ocean, but it would be a mistake to consider this edge of Europe as a periphery, a margin. 

The islands visible from Ceann Sleibhe and Dunmore Head are the Blaskets.

Next Parish to Canada! A dangerous place? An empty place, but still part of the Gaeltacht! 

The surplus population and the end of work!




A Cargo of Questions 2017

And The Weak Suffer What They Must?

To every place there belongs a story . . . to every story there belongs another . . .

From the madness of economic reason to journeys and adventures inspired by faith, this information wrap has been about a set of free connections between journeys, stories and histories. 

The starting point is associating a place with matters that involve economic and political pressure on population, the resulting migration of peoples, but also the transmission and communication of ideas on a global scale. This has been about choices and  decisions.

Because the real possessions of people are their living values, living ideas, living knowledge, and the lived stories told to help communicate these precious and ephemeral epiphanies, this blog presents these experiences for you, the audience for Re:LODE and reader of this hypertext to consider and make out your own kind of sense. 

Returning (Corsi e ricorsi) to the question posed in LODE 1992 concerning personal, social and cultural identity, is productivity a part of who and what we are? Or, is it the case that both wages and individual productivity in the so-called "developed world" is skewed by immigration controls? Does the availability of cheap labour mean that for capitalists and their governments, investment in productive power becomes less of a priority than keeping wages low? That's just the way it is . . . but don't you believe them . . .

This blog-post is a matrix that originates first in the context of an artistic activity that relates to this place, Ceann Sleibhe, and then connections multiply through processes of association, suggesting links, articulations and juxtapositions that the contemporary information wrap affords us, in a particular and contemporary type of consciousness, where the "loop" or "ricorso" helps the zig zagging necessary to see what is going on.

That's just the way it is . . . but don't you believe them . . .

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